How I Stopped My Teenagers from Starting to Watch Porn

It was traumatic for all of us, but it worked!

Krista Bennett
5 min readJul 18, 2021

Recently, a few of my adult children and their wives/girlfriends were over for Saturday Night Scrabble game night.

They started talking about the time I found adult material in our home when they were kids.

They started imitating each other, and imitating me, that - while hilarious, was totally over-exaggerated in my opinion. Of course.

“Hey, remember the time mom freaked out when she found your dirty VHS?”, one of them said to the other. “Dude, that wasn’t mine, that was his”, the accused responded. And what followed was a hilarious SNL type reenactment of the situation. To which we all laughed hysterically.

It was wonderful.

I had a psycho-mom reaction. Sue me.

I have to say, it was much easier to squash if the curiosity had to be fulfilled with a VHS tape or dirty magazine.

Pre-Internet Generation

On two occasions before the dawn of the internet, I found such contraband.

Once, I found a VHS tape stuffed in the back of one of our bathroom vanities.

