My 15-Year-Old Was Blackmailed by an Online Sexual Predator

WARNING: Contains sexually explicit language.

Krista Bennett
8 min readJun 29, 2022
Photo by Adrian Swancar on Unsplash

Mom, mom. Mom, I need help. I did something really stupid.

He was shaking and pacing around my bed in a terrible panic.

I glanced at my phone. It was 2:32 a.m.

It was my 15-year-old. He is the last of six boys, the child with whom I’ve had more difficulties than his five older siblings put together.

Mom, I need $100 right now. Mom! She’s counting down! Oh my god, Mom!”

He threw my iPad down on my bed and started rapid-fire typing.

Wait. I’m sending you the money. Where do I send it?” He typed into the message field, looking at me wild and wide-eyed.

I could see a countdown on the screen.




7 . . .

She stopped.

He was on Instagram having an instant message conversation with a female he had been talking to for a couple of months. She was demanding that he send $100 immediately, or she would send a picture of him to all the mutual friends they had on their friend list, his school website, his basketball team, and his baseball team.

