Two Side Hustles You May Not Have Thought of in Your Quest for Freedom

As long as there are attorneys, these two services will always be needed.

Krista Bennett
5 min readJan 13, 2022

Process Server

Process Service or Service of Process is when an individual delivers documents of a legal nature to another person on behalf of a Plaintiff or Defendant in a lawsuit, summoning them to a court or legal discovery proceeding.

Your local and state laws will determine how legal documents must be delivered. There are typically four types of legal process service:

  • Personal service which is where the process server personally hands the documents to the named party;
  • Substitute Service is when the process server gives the documents to someone else on behalf of the named party; or
  • Nail & Mail, which is when the process service affixes the legal documents to the door or front of the named address in a conspicuous location, and then will also mail a copy of the legal documents to the designated address of the party required to be legally served; and
  • Public or Legal Notice, which is a legal ad in print that is placed in a publication like a newspaper. Foreclosures and Estates are typically required to have formal legal ads or notices…

